NEW Writing Progression
- Writing progression in collaboration with The Writing Revolution
- Video lessons and supporting PowerPoints
- More writing quizzes
- Whole-class feedback with clear next steps
- Personalised student-level analysis

Every year we assess hundreds of thousands of pieces of writing using our innovative Comparative Judgement software. We are gaining huge insights into what students find easy and hard about writing. The Writing Hub is our way of sharing these insights.
Benefits of the Writing Hub
High-quality resources and CPD
You’ll have easy access to all our lessons, quizzes, exemplars and professional development webinars.
National insights
The CPD & teaching resources on the Writing Hub are designed using insights from nearly one million pieces of student writing. They are suitable for students aged 7 - 14 and focus on the key writing concepts that these students find difficult.
Real-time information
We constantly update our resources with the latest findings from our national assessments.
How does it work?
The Writing Hub provides you with professional development webinars, teaching resources, and writing exemplars that support our new Writing Progression.
1. CPD
The Writing Hub features an extensive programme of CPD on teaching & assessing writing. The webinars explain the ideal way to use all of the Hub resources and the insights we have gained from all of our national assessments.
2. Teaching resources
The Writing Hub hosts video lessons and PowerPoint slides that focus on the key writing concepts students find difficult to understand.
3. Writing Progression
Our Writing Progression is a sequence of statements about writing that allow you to track your students' progress in lessons. Each statement is attached to a 10-question quiz which can be automatically marked using our Automark website.
4. Exemplars
The Writing Hub hosts over 300 graded pieces of writing from across the age & attainment range.
The place to boost writing skills!